15-18 Nov 2022 La Léchère, 73260 (France)


Hotel/Restaurant/Seminar room: La Cabrière


GPS coordinates: 45.5212071,6.4837402
Google maps: https://goo.gl/maps/1vf13mQKCT19JASR8


Closest train stations:
- Moûtiers at 10mn drive
- Notre-Dame de Briançon at 5mn drive


For participants taking the train:
Taxi/vans/small buses will be arranged by the organizers to take you to/from the hotel.
Please try to make these complex logistics a bit easier by gathering, as much as possible, in few groups for the arrival and the departure.
It might be quite risky to intend finding a taxi by yourself upon your arrival/departure because of annual break in the mountains by that time.

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